Sixteen of Linda's native plant and wildflower paintings are featured in this site. These are representative of the full portfolio and are presented in chronological order. The date on each painting indicates when one would find it blooming in the garden. The plants in the paintings are life-size and botanically accurate.

(Click on a title to view a color image and the story of the painting)

Hepatica (March 14)
Bloodroot (March 23)
Sweet Betsy (March 24)
Toothwort (April 13)
Lyre-leaved Sage (April 16)
Pink Lady's-slipper (April 18)
Catesby's Trillium (April 20)
Smooth Phlox (June 22)
Rose Bay (June 25)
Goldenrod (July 30)
Jack in the Pulpit (August 20)
Partridge Pea (August 25)
Cardinal Flower (August 28)
Soapwort Gentian (September 4)
Turtlehead (September 8)
Jewelweed (September 20)