March 23
(Sanguinaria canadensis)

These native perennials are found blooming in rich woods as early as February. The single leaf wraps the single flower stem and bud until the bud spurts above the leaf and opens. The bloom is usually about six inches high but the leaf can get to be the size of a salad plate by the end of the summer.

The fallen petals in the painting tell you that the flower is very fragile, losing petals within hours in wind or rain. It is nice to have a wide flower pot planted with Bloodroot. When they bloom you can put them in a protected place, maybe near your front door. The blooms will last longer and they can be enjoyed at close range. They will continue to bloom in that pot each year if you keep the pot outdoors under deciduous trees (partial sun in spring, shade in summer). Hide the pot when Bloodroot’s leaves die back for the winter. Don’t forget about it, though, or you’ll miss the show of flowers in early spring!

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